
Net Zero Plans

Portobello beach

What is Net Zero?

Net zero happens when the level of greenhouse gas emissions we add to the atmosphere, is no more than the amount removed. Click here to find out more.

We work with you to create an evidence based net zero strategy that prioritises absolute emissions reduction over any offset.

Scotland's Net Zero Target

Scotland has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030 and to net zero by 2045.

Scotland’s climate change targets are enshrined in legislation.

The Scottish Government publishes climate change plans that lay out how it will work with others, including businesses, to meet these targets.  

Click here to read the latest climate change plan update (December 2020).

Scottish hill, loch and trees

This means that, as a society, we need to decarbonise: 

  • electricity production
  • transport and travel
  • the heating of buildings and homes
  • industry and
  • the waste and resources sector. 

We also need to address the way we use and manage land, for example: 

  • increasing woodland and forestry 
  • restoring peatland and
  • reducing emissions from agriculture. 
Black Skies Blue working image

Our Approach

As every business is different, every net zero plan will be different. 

Every business has to play its part in this transition.  

We work with you to find out what net zero means for you and how to get there.    

Our exact approach is tailored to each client but can be characterised as: 

  • Meet you where you are.  As a first step to reduce your emissions you first need to understand them. Check out our article on carbon footprinting.
  • Work with you to set a public commitment with a reputable standard.
  • Help you set up robust systems and processes to independently monitor, review and continually improve.


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