
Impact Measurement

Sunrise Portobello


We support companies with a base in Scotland to understand, measure and manage the impact they have on people and planet across their whole value chain.

We work with you to understand how your business can be profitable in creating solutions to the challenges faced by people and planet.

To do this we start by understanding your context, purpose and stakeholders.  We then help you identify your impacts on these stakeholders and work with you to increase your positive impact and outcomes.

We also look at ways to collect your data and demonstrate your impact. 

We help you dial up the positive and dial down the negative on your way to real long term strategic change. 

The Impact Journey

We use the Scotland Can B Impact Journey to frame our work in this area. Any impact tool, such as B Corp or SDG Action Manager can fit within this framework.

This methodology is designed to support any Scottish business, regardless of size, sector, or stage, on their journey of understanding, measuring and managing their impact.

Click here to find out more about the Scotland Can B Impact Journey. 

The impact journey infographic
B Leaders Logo

B Corp

B Corp Accreditation is one tool we use to great effect but there are many more available.

Click here to find out more about achieving your B Corp ambitions.

Black Skies Blue working image

Our Approach

If a different or more bespoke approach is appropriate for your company, we will advise and help you design your own journey to impact management.

This could look like: 

  • Developing a theory of change.
  • Mapping and prioritising stakeholders.
  • Identifying impact on stakeholders.
  • Assessing the materiality of your impacts and prioritising outcomes.
  • Developing systems and processes to manage and report your impact. 


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